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Zymo-Seq SwitchFree 3′ mRNA Library Kit (12 prep)

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Zymo-Seq SwitchFree 3′ mRNA Library Kit (12 Preps)
12 Preps



Zymo-Seq SwitchFree 3′ mRNA Library Kit is an all-in-one 3′ mRNA library prep kit that provides a simple workflow to generate mRNA libraries for next-generation sequencing in about 4 hours. The kit’s simplicity is driven by the novel SwitchFree technology that ligates P7 adapter directly to the first-strand cDNA without “switching” to a different strand. This simplifies reagent handling for easy and fast library preparations. This Zymo-Seq SwitchFree 3′ mRNA Library Kit features built-in unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) allowing accurate evaluation of duplication rate and quantification of gene expression. This all-in-one 3′ mRNA library prep kit is compatible with an input as little as 10 ng of total RNA, making it an ideal tool for simple and efficient mRNA expression analysis. This kit offers scalable sample multiplexing suitable for high-throughput gene counting. The Zymo-Seq SwitchFree 3′ mRNA Library Kit contains all the necessary reagents required for 3′ mRNA library preparation, including unique dual indexing primers and the magnetic beads for cleanup.

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